When should I repair or replace the car bumper?

Should I repair or replace the car bumper? Bumper can get damaged or dented due to many reasons. You might accidentally hit the pole or someone might rarely end you. Because of the material used to make bumpers, a small impact can also have a major dent. In some cases, a car bumper needs to be repaired and in other cases, it needs to be replaced.

Wondering how to decide if you should repair or replace the car bumper? Here are a few tips to decide if your bumper needs to be replaced or repaired.

Cracks in the bumper

The professional auto repair technician will analyze the damage on the bumper and will make a note of the severity of the damage. If there is only a dent, then it can be pulled out easily and restore the original shape.

Repair or replace the car bumper

But if it’s a crack on the bumper, repairing cannot be done as the structural integrity of the bumper will weaken. This might offer less protection if you met with an accident in the future. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the bumper if any cracks are noticed after an accident.

Major paint damage

If the paint on the bumper is chipped and has a lot of scratches, it’s better to opt for replacing the bumper instead of repairing it. If the bumper is scratched, it has to be sanded down in order to make it level. If there are deep scratches, they might have to be filled up with a compound to level the surface. After all these processes, the bumper has to be repainted to match the color. This could be time-consuming and have a lot of work.

Car bumper damage

Depending on the scratches and their depth, it might be much easier to just paint the new bumper instead of working on the old ones.

Bumper hooks are damaged or broken

If the bumper hooks are broken or damaged, it is always recommended to replace rather than repair the old one. Hooks on the bumper allow the bumper to adhere to the valance panel, grill, and splash guard. Hence once those hooks are broken, the only option is to replace them.

Car bumper hook

Have you been met with an accident near the surrey area of British Columbia? Reach out to QCCollision the best auto repair shop in surrey. We are experts in auto and collision repair. We examine the car damage, including bumpers, and analyze what can be repaired and/or replaced.

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